Sunday, March 30, 2008

Ode To Etsy

Etsy is probably the most exciting place on the internet.
I did ALL of my Christmas shopping on Etsy. Not only did everyone think that I made all my own presents (ha ha!) but I didn't have to go out shopping with all the scary people in that insane period between Thanksgiving and December 25th.'s like a zombie horror flick out there.
I even found a present for my Dad on Etsy. And it wasn't a tie.

Check out Kick Your Mother on ETSY!!!!
Click on any of the images at the top and link to an item on Etsy

You can look at other people's stuff too, I guess.

a website which focuses primarily on providing the general public with a way to buy and sell handmade items.

Thank you Wikipedia for that concise and accurate description. I know I can always count on you.

1 comment:

Jennifer Perkins said...

So glad I just stumbled across your blog and Etsy stores. I just faved quite a few things.